Your own doctor is you 

Every day, we spend 24 hours with ourselves.
Having a healthy lifestyle is all about knowing how you feel, your habits, and
what needs to be done to achieve it. So, what are you waiting for? As a
personal trainer, nutritionist, and wellness coach, my role is to remind you
what needs to be done, to push you when necessary, and to guide you along the
way. As far as the process is concerned, I can assist you, but you are the one
who must make the decision and follow through with it.

What I would like to know is why are you waiting
for others to take care of your health when it is in your hands to do so. As
individuals, we are responsible for our own health, family is important, work
is important, but your time and health are the only things you have without
which you cannot enjoy the above.

Learn about yourself by taking a close look
inside. Identify the reasons for your behaviours and what you can do to change
them. Make use of your community and those around you to assist you in the
process. Being attentive to your personal needs is the best thing you can do
for yourself. When the plane is depressurized, the flight attendants advise you
to first put on your own mask of oxygen before helping others. Life lessons can
be learned from this.

No matter how good you are at what you do,
you will still be replaceable. You are your child’s priority and will be their
greatest love until they have reached the age of ten. Then they will be able to
appreciate new things in life, such as technology, friends, new hobbies, etc.
They will slowly drift away from you and start to
rely more on their peers. The key to living a fulfilling life is to
maintain a sense of balance and to prepare for what lies ahead. As with every
action, there is a reaction. Take care of yourself as much as you take care of
others and you will still be able to enjoy them all.

Allow yourself to feel sad, angry,
frustrated, stressed, happy, love, and joyful. The emotions you are
experiencing are preparing you for the next step. The journey through life is
much like a wave, we are not always at the top and we are not always at the
bottom, but learning how to surf and enjoying every new wave as it comes along
helps us to understand and take care of the things that matter most to us. The
only way you can make people around you healthier or happier is if you are
healthy and happy yourself.

As you progress in life, you’ll need to get
used to saying goodbye and seeing later. You cannot create the NEW by
continuing to do what you have always done. Change is required, and it
represents the only path to progress. Take advantage of change and embrace it.
Take risks and experiment with new things without being afraid to fail.

Become more aware of who you are every day,
write a journal, track your diet, meditate, and exercise. If you are unable to
complete them all within one day. Organize your schedule, become a specialist,
and learn more about yourself. It is important to realize that everyone learns
about themselves in a different way and under different circumstances, so find
out how you can be your best version both inside and out. This lesson will
change you forever when you learn it. As a result, you will feel empowered,
more confident, and more prepared to take on the world. A belief in yourself
allows you to accomplish anything you set your mind to and connect with your
life purpose.



Mandy Anïtta

Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle